Real Faith: trusting in God, empowered by the Holy Spirit

Embracing trust in God, we seek to cultivate a deep and authentic relationship with Him. Our aim is to equip every individual with the tools to pursue a life guided by the Holy Spirit. We aspire to witness the discovery of genuine faith in Jesus within our community.

Real Lives: renewed lives that we share with one another

We are dedicated to sharing life's journey together, fostering renewal, reconciliation, and hospitality. Our commitment to embracing all members of our community mirrors God's love for the world. Recognizing God's heart for the marginalized, we actively pursue justice within our lives and in our world.

Real People: bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone

Our mission is to boldly proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God to all. We envision the transformation of Strood West through the radical message of Jesus Christ. We believe that joy and authenticity are integral to our identity as followers of Jesus, and we value the importance of genuine relationships as a testament to God's Kingdom on earth.